Apres Ski celebration with Shot Ice

Apres ski with Shot Ice!

The exact origin of Apres-Ski cannot be pinpointed, but it is certain that it emerged between 1895 and 1924, the year of the first Winter Olympic Games in Chamonix (Chamonix is located in the west of France, near the border with Switzerland). In this context, Apres-Ski referred to the evening social gatherings in the mountains, involving good food and wine.

Likely due to its exotic sound, Austrian hosts, for instance in St. Anton, adopted the term for THEIR version of socializing. This involved collective celebrations in ski huts, umbrella bars, or nightclubs, accompanied by ample alcohol, hit songs, and dancing!

It's just the right environment for us :-) Shot Ice is the perfect product and the ideal addition to any Apres-Ski party. Looking for a change from the "standard shot"? No spills and sticky fingers? No strange "frozen cocktails"? Always perfectly chilled, with a kick in the last bit of the package! Get yourself Shot Ice! The alcoholic water ice! If Shot Ice isn't available at the bar, make the host order it online immediately or get in touch with us!

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